Angel Mist Designs
Angel Mist Designs
"Working Together for a Better Future"
Customer Testimonials
Kerry is such a lovely person and does a wonderful job! Putting her special touch to everything, you can tell she really enjoys making others lives that little bit easier. She always brightens my mums day when she visits, doing those household jobs that she is unable to do anymore and taking that weight off her shoulders. Thank you Kerry!xx
Amanda C - August 2017
Thank you Kerry for the beautiful oasis you are creating out of the unmanageability. I am very grateful for your services.
Angel Mist Designs Client - August 2017
"I came home last night to pick up a few things and popped by the kitchen and was stunned. I haven't had an echo-y kitchen since I first moved in. I looked through the cupboards and found things that I forgot I even had. Everything is super clean, and I'm really impressed. Thank you again Angel Mist Designs, I'm very impressed by your service."
Angel Mist Designs Client - October 2017
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